Organizations for communications professionals abound, and by merely typing “communications professionals” into a search engine, a long list displays. Following are five randomly chosen organizations catering to communications professionals, the types of professionals they seek as members, and the benefits of being a member.

These are only a few of the available organizations a communications professional can join. Some offer membership to students and unemployed professionals. Some cater to communication among professionals, others to recognition and professional development. Becoming a member of a variety of organizations seems to be the entry-level professionals best shot at reaping the benefits of the years of experience of communications professionals already in the field.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (a) (2011). About. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (b) (2011). AEJMC Membership Benefits. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from
Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (2009) About AMCP. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from
International Association of Business Communicators (2011). About IABC. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from
League of American Communications Professionals (2011). What is LACP? Retrieved March 20, 2011 from
Public Relations Society of America (2011). About PRSA. Retrieved March 20, 2011 from